Weekly Progress Report 011

2 min readFeb 22, 2022

Eleven weeks already into the development of the game and all the pieces start to fit… Keep an eye on our Twitter account for links to the game test, there will prices to share!

Design and Art:

The UI for the giveaway Genesis Heroes has been designed and is being tested , several new enemy art designs and models were added and the UI interface was optimized for all of them, and the battle map design for the three difficulty levels was determined.


Website: The new website was completed and updated to show more content, such as recruitment page, token stats page and game interface. Mobile wallet has been integrated and is being tested.

Contracts: The development of the contract function is almost completed, and this week we will be focusing on checking the gaps to make sure that every function is complete. In addition the query contract of the Genesis Heroes was optimized to improve the game experience.

Game development:

This week metamask wallet integration has been completed and is being tested on BSC Testnet, current version of the game has been finished and will be the one used for the public test, trying to push the public beta test for the end of February. All contracts have aready been sent to audit.


We answered several questions from the community this week, mainly about what time the game is and whether the airdrop is over. Our next major event will be our beta campaign, and we are considering setting up more rewards for participants, so stay tuned for our beta launch.

WEBSITE http://undoomed.space
TWITTER https://twitter.com/UndoomedGameFi
DISCORD https://discord.gg/f97rKH4TTW




"Undoomed“ is a play2earn strategy crypto game by @CroesusCrypto_ with fair and balanced tokenomics that is going to redefine GameFi. http://undoomed.space